Pakistani Night

Yesterday was again our regular event the “cultural night”. This time we had one of the friendliest folks of the world, who are from Pakistan!

Pakistan Abend
Pakistani Night

It was full of crowd! Even all the chairs we prepared were not enough for the visitors so that almost 1/3 of visitors had to stand!

Pakistan Abend
Visitors of Pakistan Abend

The event began with the speeches from the heads of the three cooperative societies for this event: ASV, ESG, KHG and international office. After that the president of the Pakistan students society gave us an introduce about his country in many aspects like geography, policies, clothes, music, food and so on.


From this introduction the visitors can for example know how many provinces there are in Pakistan and how the traditional clothes differ from city to city or who are the famous writers from Pakistan or how the education system in Pakistan look like does.

Pakistani students in their tranditional clothes22427_1595134084078750_9109668126501083737_n

Also the visitors got the chance to play with a traditional Pakistani flute.

Pakistan Abend
Pakistani flute

Even we got a Pakistani band who claimed they are amateur but in fact they sounded very professional and got a lot of enthusiastic applause!

Pakistan Abend
Pakistani music

After enjoying the beautiful music there was also a quiz competition waiting for the visitors. The reward for each quiz was a piece of Ritter Sport chocolate, which surely motivated the visitors to think out the questions.

The Pakistani students have also prepared some delicious food for the visitors, so that the visitors could know about Pakistan from another sensation :-p!

Pakistan Abend
Pakistani food

The creative Pakistani girls even prepared a henna stall so that the Pakistani beauty fashion can also be spreaded  in Paderborn!

Pakistan Abend
Henna stall

Pakistan Abend

After enjoying the food there was also a party waiting for the visitors. Dancing, laughing, enjoying, what a wonderfull night!

Pakistan Abend
Pakistan Abend

We hope all of you who were there have enjoyed a lot and the lovely night will be a beautiful memory in your mind!

Lots of thanks to all the people who have contributed to this wonderful event!  Without your help would it not be so perfect like yesterday!

We welcome students from all countries to present their countries. We will our best to offer you any help you want!


Best regards!

Your Team-ASV

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